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Leica Microsystems is one of the market leaders in surgical microscopes, manufacturing equipment with top-class imaging quality and the greatest possible freedom of movement. Leica surgical microscopes are exactly geared to the requirements of microsurgery, delivering a compact optical unit with clear and sharply focused images and the modular system gives the surgeon optimum maneuverability.

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Grace Medical was founded in 1996 in Memphis, TN. From its origin as a small manufacturing facility, it has grown into a worldwide sales and marketing ENT business. Grace Medical offers middle ear prostheses, ventilation tubes and surgical instrumentation.

Aesculap was founded in 1867 in Tuttlingen, Germany and has grown into the largest and one of the most respected manufacturers of surgical instruments in the world. Over the years, Aesculap has continued to evolve into a diversified healthcare corporation by focusing its expertise in the areas of orthopaedics, spinal implants, neurosurgery and vascular systems and sutures.

The Christoph Miethke GmbH & Co. KG develops, produces and distributes neurosurgical innovative products for the treatment of hydrocephalus.

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